Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Highlight of the Week

The highlight of the week is, of course, that pitchers and catchers began reporting to their respective Spring Training facilities. This is not only the highlight of my week, but the highlight of every man that calls himself a man, and every true American. The sound of the ball hitting the catcher's mitt is like my own, personal Groundhog's Day- only 6 weeks until the season starts! Soon position players will report and the sound of the ball hitting the mitt will receive it's complement- the sound of the ball hitting the bat. Six weeks until it all coms together- the ball hitting the glove and the bat will be accompanied by the cheers of the crowds, the yells of the vendors and the smell of hotdogs and peanuts filling the air. This is baseball. This is America. This is the greatest sport in the greatest country. I live for this. 


Brian said...


Ryan, Marissa , Zoe and Cora said...

Happy Late Birthday!!!

L said...

Scott! How are you??? I found your blog through Brian's - and I was stoked! I've added you to my blogroll, so I'll be checking in to see how you are doing! Miss you guys a lot!
Check out my blog if you'd like:
Happy belated Birthday!!! :)